Langara College Association of Retirees

Our Policies and Procedures

Langara College Association of Retirees (LCAR)

Operational Policies and Procedures Manual



In directing the operations of LCAR, the Board will follow the following policies and procedures:


  1. Annual General Meeting.

There will be at least one general meeting of LCAR membership each
year. The Annual General Meeting (AGM), per the Societies Act of BC
and LCAR Bylaws, will be held at the first general meeting of each
calendar year, normally in conjunction with the first general social
event of the year.


  1. Website

The Board will maintain a website for LCAR which will contain:

    1. Information describing LCAR and its purposes

    2. Information describing how those eligible may become members of

    3. Information regarding upcoming events open to LCAR members

    4. Information about College events that may be of interest to members

    5. Postings of minutes of meetings of the LCAR Board, and other
      documents of interest, including this document.

    6. Photos and descriptions of LCAR events.

    7. Other items or information deemed of interest to LCAR members.

  1. Membership Registry

The Board will maintain a registry of eligible individuals who
request membership in the LCAR. This registry will include contact
information for the purpose of verifying membership status and for
communications within the LCAR and with Langara College. If requested
by a member, the member’s personal information will be amended
or removed from the registry.


  1. Communications Forum

The activities of LCAR will be distributed to members using a
subscription-based email service. Upon retirement, Langara College
retirees will be invited to subscribe to this service and all former
Langara College employees who retired prior to the creation of LCAR
will be encouraged to subscribe. A subscriber may terminate their
subscription at any time.


  1. Role of the Board

The role of the board is to:

    1. Organize, promote and communicate social, recreational, educational
      and other events of interest to retirees;

    2. Liaise with College Administration, the Langara College Foundation,
      and various departments regarding opportunities for retirees to
      contribute to and support the mission of the College and success of
      its students;

    3. Identify and organize participation in community volunteer

    4. Maintain the LCAR website;

    5. Communicate to members any matters of interest, including the
      passing of former colleagues;

    6. Maintain the LCAR membership registry and mailing list, as

  1. LCAR Directors (Board members)

    1. A request for LCAR-member Director candidates will be made via the
      membership email list, prior to the AGM each year.

    2. In the event there are more such Director candidate nominees than
      required, the Board will determine the best qualified and most
      suitable based on Board requirements such as employee group
      representation, gender diversity, areas of interest and

    3. A list of new Director candidates will be presented to the
      membership for approval at the AGM.

  2. Board Executive

    1. The Board Executive will consist of a Chair, Vice-chair and a Past-chair.

    2. The Chair will be appointed for a two-year term starting in odd-numbered years.

    3. The Vice-chair will be appointed for a two-year term starting in even-numbered years.

    4. These appointments will normally be made at the first Board meeting following the AGM.

    5. Appointments to the positions of Chair and Vice-chair will be by nomination of Board members. Where there is more than one nominee for a position a vote by the Board will be held.

    6. The duties of the Chair are to:

      1. Call meetings of the Board

      2. Chair meetings of the Board

      3. Chair LCAR general meetings

      4. Provide an authorized signature on behalf of LCAR for contracts or
        other records, as per section 6.2 of the Bylaws.

      5. Supervise other Directors in the execution of their duties.

    7. The role of the Vice-chair is to carry out the duties of the Chair
      if the Chair is unable or unavailable to act.

    8. If the Chair position becomes vacant mid-term, normally the
      Vice-chair will become the Chair for the remainder of the term and
      another Director will be appointed as Vice-chair for the remainder
      of that term. Should the Vice-chair be unable to serve as Chair,
      another Director will be appointed as Chair. If the Vice-chair
      position becomes vacant mid-term, a Director will be appointed to
      complete that term.

  1. Board meetings.

    1. The Board meets once a semester or at the call of the Chair.

    2. In addition to Directors, elected or appointed as per the LCAR bylaws, other
      representatives of College Advancement or of People and Culture may be invited to attend LCAR
      Board meetings as resources and will receive notices of all
      meetings of the Board.

    3. Board decisions will normally be made by consensus of the members.
      Where consensus is not possible and a decision is required, a vote
      will be conducted. The decision will be made by simple majority
      with each Director having one vote. In such a case, a quorum of
      50% of the Board must be present.

  1. Keeping this manual up to date.

    1. The Board must review the provisions of this manual at least every
      second year to ensure that its provisions remain appropriate for

    2. This manual may be amended by an ordinary resolution of the Board.

    3. The current version of this manual must be posted on the LCAR
      website, containing the date of the most recent amendments.