Registration Re-Opened for LCAR Lounge – Thursday, April 28

Registration Re-Opened for LCAR Lounge – Thursday, April 28

Please join us between 2:00pm and 4:00pm on Thursday, April 28 for our inaugural LCAR Lounge in the T-Building Gallery at Langara College. This will be a social gathering with lounge-style seating at tables, complimentary snacks & non-alcoholic beverages, and a small musical programme.

First on the programme will be THE MERRY MADRILANGARANS,  a madrigal quartette with Martin Gerson (VP Academic & Provost), Lorna Hawes (English), and guests Arline Oishi and Andy Rose. We’ll wrap-up the event with BRIAN McGIBNEY (Fine Arts) singing some of his favourite tunes.

The LCAR Lounge is open to all retirees. And please feel free to bring a guest.

This is a free event, but attendance is limited so registration is required.

Although current COVID  protocols do not require vaccine passport checking or the wearing of face masks, we understand that people are at various levels of comfort with these recent changes.  We ask that you are kind and patient with your fellow attendees and that you wear a face mask in situations of close proximity. Of course, masks will not be necessary when seated at your table or when eating or drinking.

Click here to register.